Investment banker Patrick Bateman and his equally narcissistic colleagues sit at a boardroom table comparing business cards.
But the cards themselves? They‘re downright awful.
Let’s talk about Graphic Designers working in the film industry for a second. They read behind the lines of the script, creating multiple versions of ephemera. If a character has to rip something, they’ll produce enough for the actor to shoot the scene multiple times.
Plus, they need to be good spellers.
Take the pink Mendl boxes in the film The Grand Budapest Hotel. There’s a spelling mistake in all of them. They printed 3,000 boxes with ‘pâtisserie’ spelt incorrectly (fixed in post-production).
But we digress. Let’s review the business cards in American Psycho:
• There’s too much space at the top and not enough at the base
• The margins aren’t equal
• There’s the same spelling mistake in all the cards (Acquisitions should have a ‘c’)
• The typefaces are bland and the kerning (spacing between letters) is abominable
• The centred text isn’t really centred
• Patrick’s card has an additional mistake – there’s a missing space between the ampersand and the Mergers text
Business cards are physically small. But size doesn’t mean you should ignore their potential.
They say a great deal about you, and are often the only reminder of your business after you’ve meet a potential client, supplier or contact.
As the saying goes, there’s only one chance for a first impression.
Make it count.
The Redmond Barry Society encourages supporters to consider leaving a gift in their Wills. A black tie event was held at the Library to celebrate the society and its donors.
Remember when repurposing was *the* buzzword in your business networks? It’s exhausting just thinking about it. Here’s what to do instead.
When a client asks for a change you think is going to look awful, you can try to talk them out of it. Sometimes, you end up sounding defensive, even if you’re not meaning to.
I’ve kept this magazine article since 1993, and now I know why. On the cover, Jeff Kennett (the Victorian Premier at the time) stood naked, addressing a crowd of people. My eyes were telling me one thing. My brain was telling me it couldn’t be true.
Everyone talks about the importance of imagery, but how many businesses have any? There’s a load of good reasons why not (budget, time, a mammoth to-do list). This pdf summarises what you can do — even if you’re a business of one — and how to maximise even the crappiest, low-resolution images — until you have the chance to hire a good photographer.
ELMO’s 2024 HR Industry Benchmark report is live. The report surveyed HR professionals across Australia and New Zealand to uncover trends, challenges and opportunities for 2024.
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